Appointment Policy for (voluntary) staff of Inclusion4all
From time to time, Inclusion4all looks to work with partners or volunteers for specific projects (for example, WIJS which is a collaboration with HECHT). These projects invariably involve vulnerable groups, including under-age children and those with with special needs.
If you want to volunteer with Inclusion4all, you can register your interest by sending an email to Tell us a little about yourself and why you are interested in working with Inclusion4all. You will be invited to have a conversation with Helen Claus, the owner of Inclusion4all. An appointment conversation will focus on any relevant experience that you have for the project that you are interested in. In some situations, a CV or references may be requested from you. After this conversation, if it is agreed that you will collaborate with Inclusion4all, then you will need to hand provide a VOG (Certificate of Conduct) before you can have contact with children. Once the VOG has arrived then you are very welcome to join the team and be included in the schedule.
VOG policy for (voluntary) staff of Inclusion4all
Inclusion4all’s activities must always take place in a safe place for everyone. It has, therefore, been decided that a Certificate of Conduct (VOG) is mandatory for all professionals and volunteers who are formally linked to Inclusion4all’s work. In some cases, Inclusion4all will pay for the VOC. In other cases, you will be asked to provide one at your own cost.
What is a Certificate of Conduct (VOG)?
A Certificate of Conduct (VOG) is a certificate which shows that your past behaviour does not raise any objections in regard to you fulfilling a specific taks or function in the community. The service Justis from the Ministry of Justice screens people who request a conduct check and they provide a Certificate of Conduct. There are different types of screening. It is important to note that Inclusion4all only requests a Certificate of Conduct that is relevant for people who are “given the care of minor children”. You will receive the Certificate of Conduct if you have not committed any criminal offences that are relevant for (voluntary) work with Inclusion4all.
For more information:
Requesting a Certificate of Conduct (VOG)
The request is made by Inclusion4all using eHerkenning. This is a type of DigiD, but for businesses and organisations. The request is free.To request the Certificate of Conduct, Inclusion4all will need your full names, date of birth and an email address. Inclusion4all will request the VOG. You will then receive an email entitled: “Verzoek tot elektronische aanvraag Verklaring Omtrent het Gedrag” from the Dienst Justis van het Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie. In the email you will find a link to the formal VOG request and you can follow the simple steps to apply for it. It is important to note that you do need a DigiD. You can request a DigiD via:
Important: After receiving your Certificate of Conduct
You will receive your certificate in the post. When you have received it, please send an electronic copy by email to You should keep the original in a safe place. Inclusion4all and it’s partners reserve the right to ask to see the original Certificate of Conduct. Once the certificate has been received, the copy is kept in a safe place by Inclusion4all and is never given to a third party.
Validity of the Certificate of Conduct
The certificate of conduct is valid for three years. However, if there is a break in time in the contact between yourself and Inclusion4all, a new VOG may be required.
Confidential Contact Person
Inclusion4all is a place where both children and (volunteer) staff members must feel safe. It is a place where parents can be sure that their children will be looked after appropriately. If you think that something is happening in one of Inclusion4all’s activities that you do not think is right, the first step is to talk to the person concerned. If this is does not resolve the situation, or you are still worried, then you should speak to one of the confidential contact people. The confidential contact persons can be approached by any of the (voluntary) staff working for Inclusion4all or by the parents of the minor children taking part in the activities.
The first confidential contact person is: Helen Claus-Willemsen, owner of Inclusion4all. Her email address is:
A second confidential contact person will be appointed for specific projects. For example, for WIJS (the collaboration between Inclusion4all and HECHT) the second confidential contact person is: Arnout Francke, board member of HECHT Leidschenveen-Ypenburg. His email address is:
If you are unsure who to approach then you can always request to speak to someone confidentially, and Helen Claus will provide you with the contact details.
Code of conduct for (voluntary) staff of Inclusion4all
It is not always easy to define the boundaries of the contact between adults and the under-age children who take part in Inclusion4all’s activities. One child wants to sit on your lap when seeking comfort, another child needs a gentle touch on the head or shoulder and yet another does not like to be touched. Because of the nature of some children’s additional needs, the boundaries can be een harder to define and will be very particular to the individual child. Precise limits that apply to all children in all situations cannot be agreed upon. However, there is one very clear and definite limit: sexual contact between (young) adult volunteers and under-age children who participate in Inclusion4all’s activities are in no way permissible.
For this reason, Inclusion4all has drawn up a code of conduct for all members of staff and volunteers. This code of conduct consists of two parts: 1) the rules that contribute to an open, transparent and safe environment for children and volunteers and 2) a description of the behaviours that breach the sexual limits and would lead to the initiation of the disciplinary and sanctions policy of the organisation. When you come to work for us as a volunteer, intern or salaried member of staff we ask you to sign this code of conduct, declaring that you are aware of the code of conduct and will act according to it.
The behaviour code for (voluntary) staff
- The mentor must ensure an environment and atmosphere in which under-age children feel safe and respected.
- The mentor refrains from treating the children in a manner that is detrimental to their dignity.
- The mentor does not get involved with the private life of under-age children more than is necessary to carry out the activities of Inclusion4all.
- Inclusion4all adheres to a ‘four eyes policy’ for volunteers. This means that a volunteer is never alone with a child but that there is always a second adult nearby who can see or hear what is happening.
- The staff member or volunteer refrains from any form of sexual approach and abuse of under-age children. No sexual behaviour, contact and relations between the staff member and children under the age of 16 are permissible under any circumstances and will be regarded as behaviour breaching sexual limits.
- The staff member or volunteer may not touch a child in such a way that this contact might reasonably be expected to be experienced as sexual or erotic.
- During the activities of Inclusion4all, the staff member and volunteers shall be cautious in all aspects of their behaviour and will always treat the children with respect, whichever area they are in, such as the main room or the toilet area.
- The staff member or volunteer has the duty, to the best of his or her ability, to protect under-age children from unequal treatment and inappropriate sexual behaviour and shall actively ensure that all staff who are involved with children conform to the code of conduct.
- If the staff member or volunteer notices behaviour that is not in accordance with this code of conduct and he or she suspects sexually inappropriate behaviour, the staff member or volunteer is obliged to report this to Helen Claus, the owner of Inclusion4all.
- Staff members and volunteers will neither give nor accept any reward, material or immaterial, that is not reasonable from a child or their parents.
- In situations where the code of conduct does not (directly) provide guidance or if a staff member or volunteer is in doubt as to the permissibility of particular behaviour, it is the responsibility of the staff member or volunteer to act in the spirit of the code of conduct and if necessary to get in touch with the owner of Inclusion4all.
Definition of sexually inappropriate behaviour with under-age children and the sanction policy
The following is regarded as sexually inappropriate behaviour with under-age children:
- all behaviours with a sexual connotation, whether verbal, non-verbal or physical, deliberate or not, that are experienced as undesirable or unwanted by the child
- and in particular, when a hostile, threatening, insulting, humiliating or damaging situation is created
- and/or other actions or behaviour that are punishable according to the Criminal Code.
Behaviour pursuant to the definition above is considered to be sexually inappropriate behaviour with a minor child and can result in disciplinary proceedings followed by sanctions. The sanctions involve registration on a blacklist for a shorter or longer period of time. Volunteer organisations consulting this list do not allow a volunteer on the blacklist to work with the children in the organisation. Inappropriate sexual behaviour with under-age children that is considered by Inclusion4all to fall under the Criminal Code shall always be reported to the police and judicial authorities.
The code of conduct has been written by the owner of Inclusion4all and is signed as agreed upon by the staff member or volunteer.
Signature of staff member/volunteer
Signature on behalf of Inclusion4all
Name of staff member:
Date of signature: